Figure 2.
σ-exchange assay using immobilized +16 paused complexes. (A) A scheme demonstrating the principle of ‘σ-exchange' experiments on the lacUV5 promoter-proximal pause. The pausing site (PS) is marked by an open rectangle. Promoter open complex (RPo) and paused elongation complex (TEC16) are shown. An exchange reaction between σ originated from the promoter complex (σ1 in gray) and exogenously added σ (σ2 in black) is illustrated. (B) 32P-labeled RNA transcripts produced by σ70-containing (lanes 1–4 and 9–11) and σ70-less (lanes 5–8) TEC16 immobilized on Ni2+-NTA beads. Transcription complexes were chased by the addition of NTPs and 0.5, 1, or 5-min incubation either before (lanes 2–4) or after heparin wash (lanes 6–11). Lanes 9–11: σ70-less complexes were supplemented with exogenous σ70 (500 nM final concentration) before chase. (C) Crosslinking of the σ70 subunit to 32P-labeled lacUV5 DNA in immobilized TEC16 either before (lane 1) or after (lanes 2–5) heparin wash. Complexes were supplemented with exogenous σ70 (lanes 3–5). NTPs were added before (lane 5) and after (lane 4) the addition of σ70. Crosslinked σ70–DNA complexes resolved on SDS–PAGE are shown (labeled as σ-crosslink).