Correlation between doxyl spin label magnetic parameters—gx versus Az—measured from 130-GHz echo-detected rigid limit EPR spectra at 25 K. Results of calibration experiments for 5-doxyl-SA in isotropic solvents are shown by circles. Squares represent parameters for n-doxyl-PtdCho bound to Sec14p: (a) 5-doxyl-PtdCho, (b) 7-doxyl-PtdCho, (c) 10-doxyl-PtdCho, (d) 12-doxyl-PtdCho, and (e) 16-doxyl-PtdCho. Solid symbols correspond to a hydrogen-bonded spectral component, and open symbols represent the nonhydrogen-bonded component. Triangles represent parameters for 5-doxyl-PtdCho in isopropanol. Solvents used in the experiment are 1), heptane, 2,) THF, 3), 2-methyl-THF, 4), toluene, 5), n-butanol, 6), isopropanol, 7), ethanol, 8), methanol, 9), acetic acid, and 10), TFE.