Figure 1. Dhh1p and Pat1p Have Additive Effects on P Body Formation and Are Required for Translational Repression.
(A) Using Dcp2p-GFP as a marker, P bodies were observed in wild-type (WT), dhh1Δ, pat1Δ, dhh1Δ/pat1Δ, or dcp1Δ strains.
(B) Depicted are polysome profiles (OD260nm traces) of WT, dhh1Δ, pat1Δ, dhh1Δ/pat1Δ, or dcp1Δ before and after glucose deprivation. The nontranslating region (RNP), 80S monosome (80S), and polysomes (P) are indicated above.
(C) Northern of RPL41a mRNA following polysome analysis in WT or dhh1Δ/pat1Δ before and after glucose deprivation.
(D) Incorporation of [35S]methionine in WT and dhh1Δ/pat1Δ cells before and after glucose deprivation. Values are reported as cpm incorporated. Time after label addition indicated.
(E) Polysome profiles (OD260nm traces) of WT and dhh1Δ/pat1Δ strains before and after amino acid deprivation.