Northern analysis of Thor expression. (A) Oregon R adults untreated (−), wounded (w) and infected (+). The control probe to show wounding and infection is Cecropin (Cec). The Thor probe is a DNA probe made from the 1.7-kb BglII fragment downstream of the P{lacW} insertion, as seen in Fig. 1A. Antisense RNA probes give the same results as DNA probes, and RNA probes were used for the results shown in B and C. The loading control probe is for actin, and the * refers to a transcript initially noticed because it changed the intensity of one of the actin bands. Reprobing confirmed hybridization of Thor to this 2-kb transcript (B and C). (B) Oregon R and mutant Thor1 adults untreated (−) and with an infection (+). (C) Developmental profile of Thor expression in Oregon R. Stages are: 0–6 h (6), 6–12 h (12), and 12–24 h (24) embryos; first (1), second (2), and third (3) instar larvae; pupae (p); and adults (a). The blot was reprobed with rp49 as the loading control.