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. 2007 Apr;175(4):1855–1867. doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.066779


Test of selection among lineages using revised branch-site model A and test 2 as implemented in PAML 315 (see materialsandmethods)

Parameter estimates
Model A Site class p ω0 background ω1 foreground Ln likelihood, LRT test 2 Selected codon, posterior P
Domestic cat lineage κ = 2.0844 0 0.42368 0.27811 0.27811 −1618.646 K125R (0.943)
1 0.57024 1 1 −1623.128 (Null)
2a 0.00259 0.27811 74.02392
2b 0.00349 1 74.02392 LRT = 8.965, P < 0.1
Asian leopard cat lineage κ = 2.04134 0 0.11785 0.12684 0.12684 −1622.952
1 0.18680 1 1 −1622.952 (Null)
2a 0.26899 0.12684 1
2b 0.42637 1 1 LRT = 0, NS
Ocelot lineagea κ = 2.04608 0 0.38217 0.21098 0.21098 −1623.179
1 0.61783 1 1 −1623.179 (Null)
2a 0.00000 0.21098 1
2b 0.00000 1 1 LRT = 0, NS
Puma lineage κ = 1.99378 0 0 0.16775 0.16775 −1618.396 S6R** M97R**
1 0 1 1 −1621.544 (Null) V14A** A161D**
2a 0.49690 0.16775 999.000 Q18P** M187V*
2b 0.50310 1 999.000 LRT = 6.295, P > 0.01 V25A** A213P**
R46G* Y223C*
Lynx lineage κ = 2.0609 0 0.39158 0.22067 0.22067 −1621.591
1 0.57691 1 1 −1623.132 (Null)
2a 0.01235 0.22067 84.78123
2b 0.01816 1 84.78123 LRT = 3.082, NS
Caracal lineage κ = 2.04609 0 0.38216 0.21097 0.21097 −1623.179
1 0.31784 1 1 −1623.179 (Null)
2a 0 0.21097 1
2b 0 1 1 LRT = 0, NS
Bay cat lineage κ = 2.04401 0 0 0.22458 0.22458 −1622.007
1 0 1 1 −1623.139 (Null)
2a 0.40068 0.22458 277.069
2b 0.59932 1 277.069 LRT = −2.263, NS
Panthera lineagea κ = 2.04609 0 0.38216 0.21097 0.21097 −1623.179
1 0.61784 1 1 −1623.179 (Null)
2a 0 0.21097 1
2b 0 1 1 LRT = 0, NS

κ, transition/transversion ratio; NS, not significant results of Ln likelihood-ratio test; ω0, background ratio of dN/dS; ω1, lineage-specific ratio of dN/dS. *Posterior P > 0.95%, **Posterior P > 0.99%.


Neofelis nebulosa and Leopardus pardalis were omitted due to frameshift mutations incompatible with PAML.