Fig. 2.
Rate of Gluc secretion in DYT1 fibroblasts as compared with control fibroblasts. Cells from three DYT1 and three control lines were infected with the lentivirus vector encoding Gluc-IRES-cerulean and replated 48 h after infection at 2.5 × 103 cells per well. (A) Gluc activity 24 h after plating was determined in the medium as RLU per cell per 24 h. The experiment was repeated two times in triplicate for each cell line, shown as mean ± SD. The average mean of DYT1 lines and control lines was significantly different at P < 0.004. (B and C) Examples of the high infectivity of control (C1) and DYT1 (D3) lines as assessed by fluorescence. (Magnification ×100.) (Scale bars, 10 μM.)