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. 2007 Jan 12;51(4):1582–1583. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01334-06


Prevalence of isolates overexpressing mexAB-oprM and mexXY in relation to levels of resistance to TIC, CIP, or AMK

Drug Value (n)a at indicated MIC (μg/ml)
TIC 16b 32 (39) 64 (49) 128 (34) 256 (17) 512 (4) 1,024 (5) 2,048 (5) ≥2,048 (17)
% ABM 31 (12) 51 (25) 59 (20) 47 (8) 25 (1) 60 (3) 20 (1) 53 (9)
Range of mexB expressionc 2.1-5.7 2.0-52.8 2.0-20.0 2.8-7.8 2.6 2.0-4.3 3.1 2.2-4.6
CIP <0.125 (5) 0.125b (10) 0.25 (22) 0.5 (16) 1 (14) 2 (13) 4 (8) 8 (11) 16 (18) 32 (42) 64 (9) >64 (2)
% ABM 0 (0) 10 (1) 45 (10) 63 (10) 850 (7) 62 (8) 63 (5) 45 (5) 44 (8) 48 (20) 56 (5) 0 (0)
% XY 20 (1) 0 (0) 27 (6) 47 (7) 36 (5) 69 (9) 50 (4) 55 (6) 83 (15) 88 (37) 100 (9) 0 (0)
AMK 1 (6) 2 (19) 4b (57) 8 (34) 16 (25) 32 (10) 64 (10) 128 (7) >128 (2)
% XY 17 (1) 32 (6) 54 (31) 56 (19) 64 (16) 100 (10) 80 (8) 86 (6) 100 (2)
Range of mexY expressionc 53.9 4.2-17.5 4.7-82.0 4.0-42.1 4.4-52.9 6.3-45.2 4.4-21.5 11.5-49.7 4.4-42.3

n, number of isolates.


MIC for the wild-type reference strain PAO1.


Mean values for two independent experiments.