Parameter | Value
SeMet labeled | Native | |
Data collection | ||
X-ray wavelength (Å) | 0.97910 | 0.97895 |
Cell dimensions (Å) | a = b = 65.92 | A = b = 65.84 |
c = 240.38 | C = 239.71 | |
Space group | I4122 | I4122 |
Resolution rangea | 46.61-2.70 (2.85-2.70) | 43.44-1.70 (1.74-1.70) |
No. of unique reflections | 7,723 | 29,663 |
Rsyma,b | 0.055 (0.197) | 0.070 (0.316) |
Ranoma | 0.062 (0.164) | |
Multiplicitya | 6.8 (6.7) | 6.60 (6.4) |
<I/σ>a | 25.7 (10.3) | 19.6 (5.2) |
Completeness (%)a | 99.9 (99.9) | 100.0 (100.0) |
Phasing statistics | ||
Figure of merit (SOLVE) | 0.26 (2.96 Å) | |
Z score (SOLVE) | 7.05 (2 Se) | |
Figure of merit (RESOLVE) | 0.54 (2.70 Å) | |
Refinement | ||
Unique reflections (total/test) | 29,635 (1,503) | |
Rfactorc | 0.181 | |
Rfreec | 0.223 | |
No. of protein atoms | 1,497 | |
No. of solvent molecules | 355 | |
Average B value (Å2) | 20.17 | |
Bond length (Å) | 0.014 | |
Bond angle (degrees) | 1.533 |
Values in parentheses apply to the high-resolution shell.
. Rfactor and Rfree were calculated from the working and test reflection sets, respectively.