Figure 2. Abundance of selected urine components in B6NCrl, BALB/cCrl and DBA/2Crl mice.
Total ion current GC/MS spectra were obtained for urine mixtures (15 animals per strain) in duplicate. The spectra were aligned and inspected for peaks showing large differences. Six such peaks are depicted by the relative intensity of their characteristic fragment ions (average from two spectra) against the retention time. Component # 62 refers to 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole, the structure of the other components is unknown. Their characteristic fragments (relative intensity in brackets) are #15A [39 (8), 40 (6), 41 (8), 52 (5), 54 (51), 55 (100)], #26A [45 (100), 46 (25), 47 (35), 48 (14), 61 (35), 76 (11), 77 (24), 92 (87), 94 (39)], #34 [39 (51), 41 (61), 54 (63), 55 (100), 56 (41), 57 (29), 59 (30), 73 (43), 86 (16)], #35 [39 (43), 41 (58), 43 (23), 54 (60), 55 (100), 56 (37), 57 (33), 59 (27), 73 (38), #55b [39 (6), 41 (15), 43 (12), 45 (13), 59 (27), 60 (100), 61 (7), 114 (16), 129 (27)] and #69A [35 (6), 45 (19), 46 (8), 47 (5), 61 (100), 63 (5), 93 (5), 186 (13)].