Injection of GST–SYP into the squid giant synapse preterminal results in a decrease in neurotransmitter release during high-frequency stimulation. Synapses were injected with GST or GST–SYP and stimulated at ≈1, 5, 10, 15, and 25 min after injection as follows: 1 train of action potentials at 50 Hz for 750 ms, 1 min of rest, 1 min of continuous stimulation with the 50 Hz, 750-ms trains separated by 1.5-s intervals, 1 min of rest, and 1 final train of action potentials at 50 Hz for 750 ms. (A) The traces show the presynaptic and postsynaptic potentials in response to a single stimulus, given ≈15 min after injection, just before the high-frequency stimulation shown in B. (B) The traces show the postsynaptic potential during high-frequency stimulation at ≈15 min after injection of GST or GST–SYP.