Fig. 5.
Mo K-edge XAS and EXAFS. (A and B) Mo K-edge x-ray absorption spectra (A) and smoothed second derivatives (B) of NifENcomplete (blue), MoFe protein (red), and molybdate in 33% glycerol (dashed black). (C and D) Mo K-edge EXAFS (C) and Fourier transforms (D) of data (dotted black) and fits for NifENcomplete (blue) and MoFe protein (red). A four-component fit is shown for NifENcomplete comprising Mo-O at 2.00 and 2.17 Å, Mo-S at 2.37 Å, and Mo-Fe at 2.70 Å. The MoFe protein fit comprises Mo-O at 2.22 Å, Mo-S at 2.37 Å, and Mo-Fe at 2.69 Å. Complete fit results are given in Table 5.