Figure 2.
On postnatal day 90, ApoER2 and VLDLR mutant mice were tested for deficits in acoustic (Pp8, 73 dB) and multimodal (Ppuff) trials of prepulse inhibition. The latter task consisted of a combination of acoustic prepulses with a tactile (airpuff) startle stimulus. Values represent group means (± SEM). Startle magnitudes (arbitrary units) are inset in graph. * indicates significantly different compared to wildtype and heterozygous mice, p < 0.05. WT = Wildtype (ApoER2, n = 22; VLDLR, n = 22); HT = Heterozygote (ApoER2, n = 31; VLDLR, n = 52); KO = Homozygous knockout (ApoER2, n = 26; VLDLR, n = 39).