Figure 2. Sequence alignment of six homologous amidohydrolases.
1, DCase from B. pickettii; 2, DCase from Agrobacterium sp. KNK712; 3, DCase from Pseudomonas sp. KNK003A; 4, nitrilase from Polaromonas sp. JS666; 5, aliphatic amidase from Saccharopolyspora spinosa; 6, β-alanine synthase from Brevibacillus agri. The Figure was generated using the ClustalW program and drawn with ESPript. The secondary structure elements of DCase are shown above the sequences. Identical residues are boxed in black. Glu47, Lys127 and Cys172, the catalytically important residues, are indicated by stars. The three mutations in DCase, A18T, Y30N and K34E, are indicated by closed circles (●).