Figure 6. Apparent trafficking constants as a function of the endosomal volume.
Left-hand panels, Ve=1×10−14 litres/cell; right-hand panels, Ve=2×10−13 litres/cell. (A and E) kh[li*], (B and F) (kx+khr)tl[li*], (C and G) 100fx[li*] and (D and H) C_[li*]/li*. Eqns (24, 27 and 29) are evaluated for EGF (triangles) and TGFα (diamonds) with khl=0.001min−1 (closed symbols) or khl=0.0011min−1 (open symbols). khl−khr is positive for the closed symbols and negative for the open symbols, but KM is unaltered by variations in khl. Solid arrows denote the location of the threshold value li=Ri0.