Figure 7.
EXO1 contributes to cell cycle arrest and ssDNA production in cdc13-1 and yku70Δ mre11Δ mutants. (a) Yeast strains 1230 (cdc13-1) and 1296 (cdc13-1 exo1Δ) dividing exponentially at 20°C were placed at 37°C, and the fraction of cells in medial nuclear division was monitored by staining with DAPI. (b) Detection of ssDNA on the TG strand 600 bases from the telomeric end of the Y‘ sequence. The yeast strains were as in a. (c,d,e) Small aliquots of fivefold dilution series of several yeast strains were transferred to plates and incubated for 2 d before being photographed. The relevant genotypes of the strains are indicated on the right, and the strain numbers are shown in parentheses. (f) Yeast strains dividing exponentially at 20°C were placed at 37°C, and their cell cycle distribution was monitored. The strains were yku70Δ: DLY1412; yku70Δ mre11Δ: DLY1679; yku70Δ mre11Δ exo1Δ: DLY1680; yku70Δ exo1Δ: DLY1408; Δ mre11Δ: DLY1746; and mre11Δ exo1Δ: DLY1676. (g) Detection of ssDNA on the TG strand 600 bases from the telomeric end of the Y‘ sequence. The yeast strains were as in f.