Figure 4.
FT-like gene family in rice and phenotypes of UBQ::FTL plants. (A) Amino acid comparison among rice FT-like genes. Two genes, FT and TSF, belong to the FT family in Arabidopsis. Only amino acids that are not conserved are highlighted. (B) A phylogenic analysis of the FT-TFL family in Arabidopsis and rice. All six members in Arabidopsis are shown with (At) in this tree. Clustal W and NJ methods were used for the alignment and phylogenic tree, respectively. Bootstrap values are shown at branches. (C) A regenerated rice plant transformed with UBQ::FTL. A terminal flower is visible at the tip of the plant (arrowhead). All axial buds produced several leaves with terminal tissue. Bar, 1 cm. (D) Magnification of the terminal flower in C. There is a pistil-like structure at the center (arrowhead). A root was developed at the base of this floret (arrow). Bar, 1 mm. (E) Cross-section of the terminal flower in C. Stamen-like filamentous structures were observed around the pistil-like organ (arrowheads). Bar, 1 mm. (F) A developing panicle in the wild-type rice plant. Bar, 1 cm. (G) A mature floret of the wild-type rice. The floret was dissected to reveal internal organs. Bar, 5 mm. (H) Another rice terminal flower of a UBQ::FTL plant. Glumes were removed. Bar, 5 mm. (I) SEM image of the terminal flower in H. Bar, 5 mm. (J) A terminal tissue with many glumes that developed alternately. Several roots developed at the bases of this terminal tissue. Bar, 1 mm. (K) A terminal flower in glumes. An anther-like structure protruded next to the pistil-like organ (arrowhead). Bar, 1 mm. (L) Schematic presentation of UBQ::FTL phenotypes. Rice leaves are represented as thin lines (sheaths) with attached diamond shapes (blades). Florets are shown as oval shapes. The wild-type (WT) rice panicle is composed of primary and secondary branches with several florets. The terminal floret of UBQ::FTL plants is shown as a floret with additional glumes (UBQ::FTL). For simplification, axillary buds with terminal tissues are not shown in UBQ::FTL plants.