Large-scale description: “Crosslinked gel.” At large scales, we
model RNA secondary structures by replacing each constitutive net with
a single vertex. These vertices are connected by single-stranded and
double-stranded regions. The large-scale conformational entropy is
evaluated assuming that the vertices are connected by Gaussian
“springs” whose mean squared elongation in isolation equals the
relaxed mean squared distance between the connected nets in question.
The conformational entropy of such a “Gaussian crosslinked gel”
is then calculated numerically by n − 1 algebraic
integrations, where n is the number of vertices and
hence nets on the secondary structure. (In some cases, two vertices are
connected by several stems, in which case we treat them as springs in
parallel and lump accordingly.) To better agree with known structures
as described in the text, we crudely incorporate excluded volume
effects at this large scale by redefining the equilibrium elongation of
the “springs” with an excluded volume exponent of 0.65 (vs. 0.5
for the ideal chain).