Hormone, PSA, Hematocrit and Cognitive Test Results. Means, Standard Deviations and Range at baseline, during treatment and washout. Mean total testosterone (nmol/L) levels at peak period (24-48) hours following injection, normal range = 10-30 nmol/L; Mean total estradiol (pmol/L) levels at peak period (24-48) hours following T injection, normal range = 76 – 353 pmol/L; Mean PSA- prostate specific antigen (ng/mL); Mean Hematocrit (percent of total); Route Test mean number of points correct (66 possible); Word List mean number of words recalled (24 possible). Asterisks denote significant increases in testosterone and estradiol for the moderate and large increase groups compared to baseline and compared to the no increase group, a significant increase in hematocrit for the moderate and large groups compared to baseline, and a significant increase in total points on the Route test and total words on the Word List test in the moderate group compared to baseline