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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2008 May 11.
Published in final edited form as: Drug Alcohol Depend. 2006 Nov 28;88(2-3):259–271. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2006.11.007


Mean Scores on Developmental and Behavioral Indicators* of Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (PFAS) Compared to Randomly-selected Controls: Wave III.

Final Dx FASD
Child Variables FAS (SD) (n = 55) PFAS (SD) (n = 18) Controls (SD) (n= 133) Test Score Df p
Developmental Traits
  Verbal IQa 10.9 (15.72)2 14.0 (15.94) 24.1 (21.46) F = 9.31 df = 2/199 <0.001
  Non-verbal IQb 9.4 (9.1)2 10.7 (9.6)1 21.1 (18.9) F = 11.43 df = 2/199 <0.001
  Behaviorc 12.6 (8.82)2 12.2 (6.16)1 6.5 (7.91) F = 12.96 df = 2/198 <0.001
  Total Dysmorphology Score** 18.4 (3.29)2 17.8 (3.92)2 8.1 (4.19) F = 160.36 df = 2/209 <0.001
Maternal Variables (n = 50) (n = 16) (n = 132)
Drinking Indicator - overall Reported drinking during pregnancy (%) 96.0 93.8 24.2 X2 = 89.42 df = 2 <0.001
  Average No. drinks per week (during pregnancy)** 13.0 (13.62)1 4.9 (3.45) 6.0 (7.71) F = 4.26 df = 2/75 .018
  Current drinker** (%) 65.9 53.8 60.0 X2 = 0.68 df = 2 NS (0.71)
  Average No. drinks per week (current)** 7.8 (10.03) 6.3 (5.19) 9.1 (5.67) F = 0.15 df = 2/31 NS (0.86)

NS = Not statistically significant


All scores standardized for age of child at time of testing.


Of those who reported drinking during pregnancy in a full interview.


t-test significantly different from controls; significance < .05


t-test significantly different from controls, p< .001


Tests of the Reception of Grammar (TROG).


Raven Colored Progressive Matrices.


Personal Behavior Checklist (PBCL36).