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. 2007 Apr;20(2):280–322. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00033-06


Detection of Helicobacter pylori IgG antibodies in salivaa

Type of test (manufacturer) Type of patient No. of specimens tested Reference test(s) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Reference Yr
In-house ELISA Adult 119 Biopsy-based tests 85 435 1994
In-house ELISA Adult 152 Histo 82 71 324 1995
Helisal (Cortecs) Adult 86 Biopsy-based tests 88 71 75 1996
Helisal (Cortecs) Adult 195 Culture, Histo 81 75 503 1996
Helisal (Cortecs) Adult 106 Histo 66 74 133 1996
Helisal (Cortecs) Adult 157 Histo 85 58 317 1997
Helisal (Cortecs) Adult 303 Histo, UT 84 70 463 1997
In-house ELISA Child 112 Histo, UT 93 82 325 1997
GAP (Bio-Rad) Adult 70 Culture 84 90 106 1999
In-house ELISA Adult 81 Culture, Histo, UT 94 85 341 1999
OraSure + ELISA (EPI) Child 287 UBT 65 95 333 2000
Helori test (Eurospital) Adult 213 Histo, UT, UBT 81 73 323 2000
ELISA Child 669 Serum ELISA 64 86 26 2000
Helisal (Cortecs) Adult 196 UT 74 67 80 2001
Salivette + HM-CAP (Enterics) Child 477 UBT 80.9 95.3 37 2002
OraSure + oral fluid ELISA (Enterics) Child 281 Histo 71 90.4 165 2002

Histo, histology; UT, urease test.