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. 2007 Mar 21;45(5):1395–1402. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00100-07


Clinical signs and symptoms associated with the presence of C. trachomatis infection by multivariate analysis

Variable or clinical sign or symptom Female patients
Male patients
Crude ORa P for crude OR Adjusted ORb P for adjusted OR Crude ORc P for crude OR Adjusted OR P for adjusted OR
Age group
    <30 yr vs ≥30 yr 4.20 (1.76-10.1) 0.0005 4.13 (1.88-9.07) 0.0002
    <25 yr vs ≥25 yr 2.71 (1.47-5.00) 0.001 1.23 (0.66-2.32) 0.514
Patient-reported symptoms
    Symptomatic vs asymptomatic 1.91 (1.04-3.50) 0.033 5.67 (2.81-11.5) <0.0001
    Dysuria 4.28 (1.87-9.82) 0.0002 3.92 (1.42-10.9) 0.0086 8.27 (4.35-15.7) <0.0001 4.42 (1.51-12.1) 0.0011
    Urethral itching NA 6.15 (1.80-21.0) 0.0011 13.7 (2.96-63.0) 0.0008
    Vaginal/urethral irritation 0.14 (0.02-1.04) 0.026 2.17 (0.97-4.89) 0.055
    Pelvic or abdominal pain 2.63 (1.32-5.24) 0.004 3.39 (1.40-8.18) 0.0066 NA
Reported abnormal discharge
    Patient reported vs none 3.38 (1.47-7.80) 0.004 5.50 (2.33-13.0) <0.0001
    Doctor reported vs none 3.15 (1.33-7.45) 0.009 3.53 (1.29-9.61) 0.014 14.3 (3.82-53.5) <0.0001 7.60 (1.30-44.3) 0.024
    Doctor or patient reported vs none 7.37 (3.40-16.0) <0.0001 4.78 (1.99-11.5) 0.0005 10.2 (4.58-22.8) <0.0001 4.27 (1.51-12.1) 0.0063
Clinical signs
    PMNLs/HPF 1.04 (1.02-1.07) 0.0008 8.27 (4.35-15.7) <0.0001 4.42 (1.81-10.8) 0.0011
    NSU or NSC vs neitherd 3.71 (2.00-6.87) <0.0001 3.98 (1.87-8.47) 0.0003 15.2 (7.07-32.6) <0.0001 7.56 (2.98-19.2) <0.0001
    Cervical contact bleeding 13.2 (4.24-41.0) <0.0001 11.7 (2.28-60.5) 0.0032 NA
    Moist urethral meatus NA 7.66 (3.17-18.5) <0.0001 5.95 (1.86-19.0) 0.0027
    Molluscum contagiosum 21.3 (3.8-119.5) <0.0001 53.0 (6.04-466) 0.0003
    Genital warts 2.15 (0.95-4.90) 0.062 6.11 (2.30-16.2) 0.0003
    One or more infections 1.86 (1.01-3.41) 0.043
Traced STI contacts
    C. trachomatis contact 13.3 (4.86-36.2) <0.0001 9.08 (2.50-32.9) 0.0008 4.05 (1.43-11.5) 0.0048 13.5 (3.32-54.8) 0.0003
    NSU contact 2.70 (1.11-6.54) 0.023 NA

OR, odds ratio. Numbers in parentheses after odds ratios represent the 95% CI. NA, not applicable to gender.


Only those variables that remained significant after adjustment for other variables in the model are included.


Lack of data for the crude odds ratio is due to the low prevalence of the variable.


NSU, nonspecific urethritis; NSC, nonspecific cervicitis.