FIG. 4.
Different interactions between E6 peptide residues Q-2 and R-6 with PDZs. (A) An overview of the superposition of MAGI-1 PDZ1 (silver brown) and SAP97/Dlg PDZ2 (green) on PDZ3 (salmon pink). (B) A close-up view of the marked box in panel A, showing the alternative orientations of Q-2 of the three E6 peptides bound to the three PDZs. Residues are in yellow for the MAGI-1 PDZ1-peptide complex, in green for the SAP97/Dlg PDZ2 complex, and in magenta for the SAP97/Dlg PDZ3 complex. (C) A close-up view of the area showing that the hydrogen bond between R-6 and Q477 in MAGI-1 PDZ1 with the E6 peptide complex would be obstructed in the SAP97/Dlg PDZ2-peptide complex by the presence of the longer BC loop and H340 of the PDZ2 domain. (D) Summary of the interactions of each residue of the HPV18 E6 peptide in the three PDZ complexes. mc, main chain interaction; sc, side chain interaction; mc&sc, interaction of both the main chain and the side chain.