FIG. 1.
Transfer of reporter gene activity of VLPs generated by glycoprotein mutants. (A) Schematic representation of the glycoprotein precursor p110, with both glycoproteins GN and GC indicated. The amino acid composition of the cytoplasmic tail of GN is shown. (B) Transfer of reporter gene activity by VLPs obtained from wt and mutant glycoprotein-transfected cells. Cells were transfected with the minigenome M-CAT and expression plasmids pUUK-L and pUUK-N (lane 1) or with M-CAT, pUUK-L, pUUK-N, and wt pUUK-GN/GC (lane 2) or mutant pUUK-GN/GC plasmids where segments of 5 aa at a time were exchanged with alanines (lanes 3 to 18), and CAT activity was determined in the cell lysate (upper panel). The corresponding supernatants were collected and used to infect new cells previously transfected with pUUK-L and pUUK-N, and reporter gene activity was measured by the CAT assay (lower panel). The asterisk indicates the cellular background. The data are representative of three independent experiments.