FIG. 2.
Representative DAPI-stained nuclei isolated after 4 days of Dex treatment on detached, expanded 6- to 7-week-old rosette leaves from Clink-transgenic plants. The relative proportions of these different types of nuclei in Clink-expressing tissues were as follows: 33% for oval nuclei with irregular contours and ∼10 CCs (A), 10% for larger nuclei with more CCs (B), 19% for smaller, rounded nuclei with >10 CCs (C and D), 7% for nuclei with highly condensed euchromatin (E), and 1% for dividing (e.g. anaphasic) nuclei (F). For Dex-treated Clinkmut plant leaves and ethanol-treated Clink or Clinkmut plant leaves, only nuclei of the types shown in panels A and B were observed, in proportions of about 95% and 5%, respectively. In each case, the relative proportions are based on the observation of 800 to 1,100 nuclei. Bars, 15 μm.