Alignments of the disruptions in the predicted coiled-coil arms of
cohesin and condensin SMC proteins. Disruptions to the first
coiled-coil (a) and second coiled-coil (b,
c) domains of SMC1, and first coiled-coil (d,
e) and second coiled-coil (f) domains of SMC3
orthologs. Disruptions to the first coiled-coil (g) and second
coiled-coil (h, i) domains of SMC4, and first
coiled-coil (j, k) and second coiled-coil
(l) domains of SMC2 orthologs. Regions with poor coiled-coil
structure prediction are indicated by X's above the alignment.
Right panels indicate the location of the sequence alignments
presented in a–l on amino acid identity plots
(window size, 8) generated from global co-alignment of the full-length
SMC orthologous sequences from which alignments a–l
are derived.