Figure 2.
Case 2. A: Replacement of the normal lymph node architecture by irregular follicular structures lacking well-defined mantle zones. The interfollicular areas appear monotonous. H&E; original magnification, ×40. B: At high power, the neoplastic follicles and a monomorphic population of small lymphocytes in the interfollicular space are clearly discernible. H&E; original magnification, ×200. C: The interfollicular cells express CD5, in addition to strongly stained cells representing T cells. The follicles are CD5−. Original magnification, ×200. D: A CD5-stained section after LCM of CD5-follicular areas. Original magnification, ×40. E: The neoplastic follicles express CD10, whereas the interfollicular regions are negative. Original magnification, ×40.