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. 1999 Aug;155(2):527–536. doi: 10.1016/s0002-9440(10)65148-6

Table 2.

Clinicopathological, Immunohistochemical, and Genetic Characteristics of 13 Endometrioid Carcinomas

Case Age Stage Grade Endometriosis ETLMP Squamous metaplasia β-Catenin pattern Expression membrane Mutated codon Base change Amino acid change Follow-up (years)
1 61 1c 1 Absent Present Present Nuclear Reduced 32 GAC to GGC Asp to Gly NED 6
2 49 1b 1 Absent Present Present Nuclear Preserved 32 GAC to TAC Asp to Tyr NED 6
3 47 1b 2 Absent Absent Present Nuclear Reduced 32 GAC to TAC Asp to Tyr NED 16
4 50 2b 2 Absent Absent Present Nuclear Reduced 33 TCT to TGT Ser to Cys NED 11
5 48 1a 1 Absent Present Present Nuclear Preserved 37 TCT to TGT Ser to Cys NED 8
6 64 2a 1 Present Present Present Nuclear Preserved 37 TCT to TTT Ser to Phe NED 11
7 50 2a 2 Present Absent Present Nuclear Preserved 41 ACC to GCC Thr to Ala NED 12
8 38 1c 2 Present Present Present Nuclear Reduced NS NED 22
9 58 1c 3 Absent Absent Absent Nuclear Reduced NS NED 14
10 66 2c 2 Present Absent Absent Membranous Reduced NS NED 6
11 49 1c 2 Absent Absent Absent Membranous Reduced NS DD 2
12 61 2c 2 Absent Absent Absent Membranous Reduced NS DD 2
13 27 1a 3 Absent Absent Absent Membranous Reduced NS DD 3

Endometriosis in case 10 affected the contralateral ovary, whereas the tumorous ovary was affected in cases 6, 7, and 8. This last case arose directly from a endometriotic cyst. ETLMP: Endometrioid tumor of low malignant potential. NS: normal sequence. NED: No evidence of disease. DD: Died of disease.