Effects of anti-CD36 antibody on the activation of L-TGF-β1. Alveolar macrophages obtained 7 days after bleomycin administration were cultured in the absence or presence of different concentrations of anti-CD36 antibody or the CD36 synthetic peptide 93–110. A: The TGF-β1 present in neutral CM □ and acidified then neutralized CM ▪ from the same sample was quantitated. Each point is the mean of samples from 4 rats. The quantity of TGF-β1 present in neutral CM compared to TGF-β1 in acidified CM has a P value ≤0.0001 when the antibody was 20 μg/ml/10 6 macrophages, and P ≤ 0.01 when the antibody was 10 μg/ml/10 6 macrophages. The other comparisons between TGF-β1 in neutral and acidified CM were not significant. B: The effects of CD36 synthetic peptide aa 93–110 on the activation of L-TGF-β1. Alveolar macrophages were cultured in the absence or presence of several concentrations of the synthetic peptide of CD36 aa 93–110. TGF-β1 in neutral □ and acidified, then neutralized CM ▪ was quantitated. All points are the mean of 4 to 6 animals. The quantity of TGF-β1 in neutral CM, compared to the TGF-β1 in acidified CM of the same sample, had a P value ≤0.0006 only when CD36 peptide 93–110 was present. C: Effects of anti-CD36 antibody on the activation of L-TGF-β1 in the presence of sTSP-1. Alveolar macrophages were cultured in the absence or presence of 20 μg/ml/10 6 macrophages of anti-CD36 antibody, and in the absence or presence of 0.4 μg/ml/10 6 macrophages of sTSP-1. The TGF- β1 present in neutral CM was quantitated. Each point is the mean of samples from 4–6 rats. TGF-β1 in neutral CM of alveolar macrophages from bleomycin (BLM)-treated rats compared to normal saline (N/S)-treated rats has a P value ≤0.07. TGF-β1 in neutral CM of alveolar macrophages from BLM-treated rats cultured in the absence of sTSP-1, compared to when sTSP-1 was present, has a P value ≤0.02. TGF-β1 in neutral CM of alveolar macrophages from BLM treated rats cultured with sTSP-1, compared to when sTSP-1 and anti-CD36 antibody was also present, has a P value ≤0.006.