Figure 2.
VAP-1 localizes to the plasma membrane in smooth muscle and is present in caveolae. A: In immunolabeling electron microscopy an anti-VAP-1 MAb reacts with vascular smooth muscle cells in tonsil. In this particular vessel VAP-1 is absent from the endothelial cells (E), and only the subendothelial smooth muscle cells (SM) are VAP-1 positive. L, lumen of the vessel. B: At high magnification the localization of VAP-1 into plasma membrane and caveolae (arrows) is readily apparent. C: A control reaction with normal mouse serum. Nonspecific grains apparently resulting from the very sensitive silver intensification of DAB used in A and C are seen in the background. Scale bars: A and C, 10 μm; B, 0.5 μm.