Figure 2.
Immunohistochemical localization of thrombomodulin during wound healing in mouse skin. In unwounded mouse skin, epidermal staining for thrombomodulin was very weak (A). On day 3 of healing (B), a neoepidermal tongue extended from the margin of the wound (left side of image) into the wound matrix (right side of image). Strong staining for thrombomodulin was observed in keratinocytes in areas of stratification within the neoepidermis, but keratinocytes at the margins of the neoepidermis (arrowheads) did not stain for thrombomodulin. On day 7 of healing (C), a highly stratified, thrombomodulin-positive neoepidermis extended over most of the wound matrix. On day 30 (D), mouse wounds were completely reepithelialized, with some residual hyperkeratinization and a more prominent thrombomodulin staining pattern than that seen in unwounded mouse skin. w, wound matrix; small arrows, endothelium. Magnification ×200.