A: Lung weight (right) from air-breathing or hyperoxia-exposed (hox 72 hours) mice: wild-type (wt), CD40−/−, and CD40L−/−. Lung weight of CD40L−/− hyperoxia-exposed animals was significantly higher compared to CD40−/− or wt (*, P < 0.05). The bar graph represents the mean of seven animals ± SD. B: Total lung weight (right and left) from air-breathing and from hyperoxia-exposed wt mice treated with nonimmune hamster immunoglobulins (NIg) or with 250 μg/day of anti-CD40L antibody on day 0 and day 2, n = 9. No statistical difference was observed with anti-CD40L antibody treatment. C: Representative lung histology of a control mouse (air-breathing wt). D and E: Lungs of wt and CD40L−/− mice exposed to hyperoxia for 72 hours. F: Lung of a wt mouse treated with anti-CD40L antibody. The thick arrow points to alveolar hemorrhages and the thin arrow to interstitial edema. Original magnifications, × 40.