Figure 2.
TEL-FISH quantitation results. A: Box and whisker plot of relative telomere signals from four LNCaP sublines each possessing distinctly different telomere lengths (n = 10 to 12 cells measured per subline). The boxed region encloses the 25th through 75th percentiles, with the horizontal line indicating the median. Whiskers include the 5th to 95th percentiles, open circles represent outliers. B: TRF-Southern blot of LNCaP sublines (numbered 1 to 4). Genomic DNA was digested with RsaI and MspI, blotted, and probed with a radiolabeled telomere-specific oligonucleotide primer. Molecular weight markers (M) are labeled in Kbp. C: Relative mean telomere fluorescence signals for each LNCaP subline (large circles) plus additional cell lines (diamonds) plotted against mean telomere length calculated from TRF-Southern data collected on the same cells. Cell lines (all human-derived) included the prostate cancer (LNCaP, PC-3, and DU145)-, leukemia (HL-60)-, and colon cancer (HCT116)-derived lines. The trend line indicates linear regression results.