At 35 weeks, in PDGF receptor antagonist-treated ApoE −/− mice, advanced fibrous cap formation is delayed but at 50 weeks is indistinguishable from vehicle and control mice. The frequency and extent (thin in A and intermediate plus thick in B) of fibrous cap formation were evaluated along the entire brachiocephalic trunk of all mice analyzed in Figure 6, B, C, and D ▶ . Comparisons between groups were made using Mann-Whitney test and P values are indicated on the graph for statistically significant differences. C–F: Fibrous cap formation was evaluated by Masson’s trichrome staining, and representative sections are shown. At 35 weeks, PDGF receptor antagonist-treated mice show less mature fibrous caps (D) than vehicle-treated (C) mice. Magnification, ×20. However, by 50 weeks, there is no difference in the complexity or extent of the fibrous caps of the vehicle-treated mice (E) and the PDGF receptor antagonist-treated mice (F). Magnification, ×10.