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. 2007 Apr;9(2):169–177. doi: 10.2353/jmoldx.2007.060031

Table 1.

Peptides Identified at 5% Error Rate in Proteins Enriched by Immunoprecipitation and Immunoaffinity Chromatography

Chromato- graphy Name Description IPI No. Peptide X corr Charge state
IA O52B6 Olfactory receptor 52 B6 303388 LHEPMY*IFLSMLASADVLLSTTTMPKAL 1.38 1
IA IgG Immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region 7893 TAIY*Y*CARISGDRGAFDMWGQG 2.58 2
IA FSH-R Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor precursor 328365 RARSTY*NLKKLPT 2.62 2
IA CEP2 Centrosomal protein 2 160622 LQKEVVLLQAQLTLERKQKQDY*I 2.53 2
IA E2G1 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 1 514050 KDY*PLRPPKMKFITEIWHPNVDK 2.54 2
IA CLCN5 Chloride channel 5 294056 FNTSKGGELPDRPAGVGVY*SA 2.52 2
IA Statip1 STAT3-interacting protein 1 15560 VLHPSQRYVVAVGLECGKICLY*TWKKTD 2.12 1
IA RASGRF1 Ras protein-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 1 16784 PIITGGKALDLAALSCNSNGY*TSMY*SAMS 2.05 1
IA FPR1 Formylpeptide receptor 1 328644 LPTNTSGGTPAVSAGY*LFL 1.48 1
IP NCOR2 Nuclear receptor co- repressor 2 1735 ACY*EESLKSRPGTASSSGGSIAR 3 2
IP IgG1 Immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region 7906 IIPFSGIAY*YAQK 2.59 2
IP DOCK7 Dedicator of cytokinesis protein 7 513791 LLDLLYLCVSCFEY*KGK 2.55 2
IP CLK2 CDC-like kinase 2 478691 SSY*DDRSSDRRVY*D 1.45 1
IP IGHV4–61 Immunoglobulin-μ heavy chain variable region 4995455 WIRQPAGKGLEWIGRIY*TTGSTNSNPS 1.6 1
IP EIF2C3 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2C 3 304181 Y*TLQLKY*PHLPCLQVGQEQK 1.38 1
IP ARTS-1 Type 1 tumor necrosis factor receptor shedding aminopeptidase 165949 VEWIKFNVGMNGYY* 2.62 2
IP MYBPC3 Myosin binding protein C gene 292412 AELIVQEKKLEVY*QSIA 2.56 2
IP HLA-Cw Major histocompatibility complex class I antigen 144014 LEAARAAEQLRAY*LEGTCVEWLR 2.58 2
IP CCR1 Chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1 27685 PLY*SLVFVIGLVGNILVVLV 1.38 1
IP CDC2L5 Cell division cycle 2-like 5 isoform 2 456970 LPRSPSPY*SR 2.19 1

Peptides identified by LC-MS/MS in immunoprecipitation (IP)- and immunoaffinity (IA)-enriched samples were analyzed for corresponding proteins using INTERACT and Protein Prophet and compared with the International Protein Index (IPI) database. Listed are select IP- and IA-enriched tyrosine phosphoproteins including protein name, description, National Center for Biotechnology Information accession no., and identified peptide sequence. Y*, phosphotyrosine.