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. 2000 Jun 6;97(12):6619–6624. doi: 10.1073/pnas.97.12.6619

Table 2.

Putative serine proteases and serpins

Cluster code Nucleotide EST E value Homology Putative function
I.1 319 4A3B-aad-d-12-F 1e-19 Serine protease 14D (A.g.) Activation of PPO cascade
206 4A3B-aad-d-12-R 1e-05 Easter (D.m.)
245 4A3B-aax-c-11-F 2e-06 Serine protease 14D (A.g.)
304 4A3B-aax-c-11-R 3e-06 Serine protease 14D (A.g.)
366 4A3A-aaq-c-04-F 3e-20 Serine protease 14D (A.g.)
356 4A3A-aaq-c-04-R 8e-12 Serine protease 14D (A.g.)
288 4A3A-aat-a-03-F 5e-19 Serine protease 14D (A.g.)
4A3A-aat-a-03-R 3e-12 Serine protease 14D (A.g.)
I.2 342 4A3A-aal-a-11-F 5e-17 Coagulation factor D (T.t.) Coagulation cascade
338 4A3A-aal-a-11-R 6e-05 Trypsin like serine protease (C.f.)
379 4A3A-P2G4-R 5e-12 Masquerade like protein (P.l.)
I.3 340 4A3A-aam-e-02-F 2e-05 Easter (D.m.) Developmental
241 4A3A-aam-e-02-R 4e-07 Factor C (C.r.) Coagulation cascade
I.4 181 4A3B-aaa-a-02-F 3.0 Trypsin-like (C.f.) Complement
277 4A3B-aaa-a-02-R 4e-10 Trypsin-like (C.f.)
I.5 301 4A3A-aal-c-02-R 2e-05 Hemocyte protease-1 (M.s.) Serine protease
I.6 391 4A3A-aaq-f-04-R 0.003 Serine protease 14D (A.g.) Serine protease
447 4A3A-aaq-f-04-R 6e-15 Elastase precursor (P.o.)
I.7 238 4A3B-aad-b-06-F 4e-15 Serine protease 14D (A.g.) Activation of PPO cascade
I.8 285 4A3B-aau-g-07-R Identical Serine protease 22D (A.g.) Adhesive serine protease
I.9 431 4A3B-aau-c-06-F 1e-04 Serpin (P.l.) Coagulation factor inhibitor
274 4A3B-aau-c-06-R 8e-10 Serpin (P.l.)
356 4A3B-aag-b-09-R 4e-05 Serpin (P.l.)
637 4A3A-P4E1-F 2e-09 Serpin (P.l.)
411 4A3A-P4E1-R 0.002 Serpin (R.n.)
I.10 513 4A3A-aap-b-5-F Identical Ag.serpin (A.g.) Serine protease inhibitor
412 4A3A-aap-b-5-R Identical Ag.serpin (A.g.)
557 4A3A-aas-g-03-F Identical Ag.serpin (A.g.)
416 4A3A-aas-g-03-R Identical Ag.serpin (A.g.)
I.11 594 4A3A-P6H1-F 1e-12 Serpin (H.c.) Serine protease inhibitor
448 4A3A-P6H1-R 1e-05 Serpin (A.t.)
I.12 430 4A3A-aap-b-10-F 4e-08 Antiplasmin serpin (B.t.) Serine protease inhibitor

Clusters with similarity to putative immunity-related genes (note that the following legend applies to Tables 3 and 4 as well). The clusters were assigned short numerical codes and are displayed in the same order as presented in the main text. Their EST identifiers indicate the cell line origin (4A-3A or 4A-3B), the position in the plates of arrayed cDNA libraries, and finally the vector primer used for sequencing [reverse (R) and forward (F)]. In the great majority of clones, the R primer is near the 5′ end of the ESTs, and the F primer is near the 3′ end. The blastx hits with the lowest E values (implying the most significant similarities) are indicated in the table; inference of putative function is derived from these and additional protein matches with highly significant similarities. Previously known A. gambiae genes are marked “identical.” The organisms corresponding to listed similar proteins are indicated with italics initials in the homology column: A.g., A. gambiae; D.m., Drosophila melanogaster; T.t., Tachypleus tridentiatus; C.f., Ctenocephalides felis; C.r., Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda; M.s., Manduca sexta; P.o., Paralichthys olivaceus; P.l., Pacifastacus leniusculus; R.n., Rattus norvegicus; H.c., Hyalophora cecropia; A.t., Arabidopsis thaliana; B.t., Bos taurus.