Figure 3.
ET-1-induced MMP expression is mediated by both ETAR and ETBR. Conditioned media or cell lysates from untreated cells (C; control) or with addition of 100 nmol/L ET-1 were tested for MMP-2 (the 72-kDa proform and 64-kDa active form), MMP-3 (the 59-kDa proform and the 57-kDa active form), MMP-7 (the 28-kDa proform and the 18-kDa active form), MMP-9 (the 92-kDa proform and the 76-kDa active form), the MMP-13 (the 60-kDa proform and the 48-kDa active form), and the MT1-MMP (the 65-kDa proform and the 63-kDa active form) by Western blotting. KS IMM cells after starvation were pretreated (15 minutes) with ETAR antagonist, BQ 123 (1 μM) or ETBR antagonist, BQ 788 (1 μM), or with a combination of both antagonists in the absence or presence of 100 nmol/L ET-1 for 24 hours.