Figure 3.
Regulation of the CD30 promoter by the MS. A: Schematic representation of the CD30 promoter. Binding sites for transcription factors are indicated above the line. An asterisk indicates the position of the AP-1 site in the MS. Positions of the primers used to amplify the MS are shown below the line. B: Effects of the CD30 MS on the core promoter activity in various cell lines. Luciferase reporter constructs driven by the CD30 core promoter (−295 to + 198), with or without the CD30 MS, were transiently transfected with Renilla luciferase vector (pRL-TK). The promoter activities among different cell lines were compared with the results of parallel experiments with a firefly luciferase construct driven by the SV40 promoter and enhancer (pSV-Luc) and pRL-TK. The relative luciferase activities are expressed as percentages of those of pSV-Luc. C, a construct driven by the core promoter from PBMCs; C+MS, a construct driven by the core promoter with CD30 MS. The fragments used are as follows: clone number 1 of L428, number 2 of KMH-2, number 2 of L540, number 2 of HDLM-2, and number 1 of the control PBMCs in Figure 2 ▶ . The numbers 1 to 5 indicate luciferase constructs containing a CD30 core promoter with MS fragment derived from L428, KMH-2, L540, HDLM-2, and the control PBMCs, respectively. C: Effects of a mutation in the AP-1 site on the core promoter activities. Luciferase constructs having the CD30 core promoter alone (C) or with an MS fragment with a mutation in the AP-1 (C+MS, m) or without a mutation in the AP-1 (C+MS, w) were transfected into a H-RS cell line L540 and an unrelated cell line, K562. Luciferase activities were standardized using an SV40-driven luciferase construct as described above and expressed as a percentage. C, a core promoter-driven luciferase construct; C+MS, a construct driven by the core promoter with CD30 MS; w, the MS without a mutation; m, the MS with a mutation.