Multiple sequence alignments of chordate (including, where available, Homo sapians (hs), Pan troglodytes (pt), Bos taurus (bt), Mus musculus (mm), Rattus norvegicus (rn), Gallus gallus (gg), Xenopus laevis (xl) Xenopus tropicalis (xt)) of Spc25 (A), Nnf1 (B), Nsl1 (C) and Spc105/KNL1-R (D) and potential orthologues in Drosophila melanogaster (dm), Drosophila simulans (dsim), Drosophila sechellia (dsec) and Drosophila yakuba (dyak). White letters on black denote identical residues, white letters on green, identical residues in >80% of the organisms and black letters on green, similar residues in >80% of organisms. Schematic drawings above the alignment indicate the length of the human and D. melanogaster proteins and the percentage donate the degree of similarity of indicated regions (black boxes). Blue helices give the position and length of coiled coils.