Table 1. PCR primers used for the construction of site-directed mutants of GFA1.
Restriction recognition sites are underlined. Capital letters indicate mismatches with the original GFA1 sequence (bold, introducing mutation; normal, introducing restriction recognition site).
Mutation | Primer name | Primer sequence |
None | Gln1-KN | 5′-cctggcggtacccatatgtgtggtatttttggttacg-3′ |
cgfa-bam | 5′-cacgggatccttactcaacagtaactgatttagcca-3′ | |
W97G | Trpgly-3 | 5′-catgtgtGgCgcCtctagtatgagcaatacc-3′ |
Trpgly-5 | 5′-catactagaGgcGcCacacatggtcaacc-3′ | |
W97F | Trpphe-3 | 5′-agcGAaAcGCgtatgagcaataccaacatg-3′ |
Trpphe-5 | 5′-ctcatacGCgTtTCgctacacatggtcaac-3′ | |
V711F | Valphe | 5′-cctgccctcgagttactcaaAagtaactgatttagccaag-3′ |