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. 2007 Apr 26;26(10):2594–2604. doi: 10.1038/sj.emboj.7601693

Table 1.

Data collection, crystallographic refinement, and model statistics

  Inflection Peak Remote Cir–colicin complex
Protein Cir Cir Cir Complex
Cell parameters        
  Space group C2 C2 C2 C2
  a (Å) 90.61 90.76 90.86 132.64
  b (Å) 84.35 84.52 84.65 130.49
  c (Å) 99.47 99.69 99.88 56.27
  β (deg) 109.2 109.2 109.3 101.2
Data collection statisticsa        
  Beamline APS-22ID APS-22ID APS-22ID APS-22ID
  Wavelength (Å) 0.97940 0.97924 0.97240 1.0000
  Resolution range (Å) 30–2.65 30–2.85 30–3.0 30–2.5
  Total reflections 149 402 117 928 103 336 131 426
  Unique reflections 40 440 32 616 27 940 32 311
  Completeness (%) 99.1 (91.8) 99.9 (100) 99.9 (100) 99.9 (99.9)
  Redundancy 3.7 (2.0) 3.8 (3.8) 3.7 (3.7) 4.1 (4.0)
  Rmerge (%)b 0.095 (0.645) 0.087 (0.779) 0.086 (0.656) 0.103 (0.570)
  II 16.4 (1.85) 18.2 (3.1) 19.3 (3.3) 15.3 (2.73)
MAD phases        
  Phasing power (acentrics)c 0/2.33 0.04/2.00 0.28/1.44  
  Phasing power overall 2.33 1.92 1.38  
  FOM overall 0.42      
 Molecular replacement search models       2HDF (Cir)
        1CII (R-domain)
Model statistics        
  Resolution (Å) 15–2.65     15–2.5
  Rd 0.2414     0.1910
  Rfreee 0.2911     0.2493
Refined model        
  Number of residues 584     701
  Number of detergent molecules 2     2
  Number of water molecules 18     255
  R.m.s.deviation, bonds (Å) 0.010     0.010
  R.m.s.deviation, angles (deg) 1.303     1.303
Ramachandran plot (%)        
  Most favored regions 84.7     89.0
  Additionally allowed 12.1     9.7
  Generously allowed 2.8     0.7
  Disallowed regions 0.4     0.7
  Average B-factor (Å2) 59.0     44.9
  Range of B-factors (Å2) 22.9–136.9     12.7–105.3
Values in parentheses are for the highest-resolution shell (Å): 2.74–2.65 for inflection, 2.95–2.85 for peak, 3.10–3.00 for remote, and 2.59–2.50 for complex.
Rmerge=∑∑I(h)j −〈I(h)〉/∑I(h), where I(h)j is the jth measurement of diffraction intensity of reflection h and 〈I(h)〉 is the average intensity of reflection h for all j measurements.
Phasing power=∣FH(calc)∣/lack-of-closure; values are given for isomorphous and anomalous data.
Rfree is calculated using a test set of 5% of the reflections excluded from refinement.
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