VCAF is associated with OPN, MGP, and CD68 in atherosclerotic femoral arteries. (A) Femoral artery stained with alizarin red (i) to show calcification in the base of the plaque (arrow) and in the medial layer (arrow head; i, bar 500 μm). Square box in (A) is enlarged in (ii-vi). Consecutive sections were stained with VCAF (ii), IgG control (iii), OPN (iv), MGP (v), and CD68 (vi) (bars = 50 μm). (B) Another representative sample stained with alizarin red; arrows show microfoci of calcification (i, bar = 200 μm). VCAF (ii) is associated with macrophages, indicated by positive CD68 staining in a consecutive section (iii) bars = 20 μm). (C) An inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) stained with alizarin red (i) highlighting small foci of calcium (arrows; bar = 200 μm). The boxed area is enlarged in (ii-iv). VCAF localizes to endothelial cells (ii; arrows). CD31 staining highlights the endothelium (iii; ii-iv, bars = 50 μm). Non-immune IgG is negative (iv)