Box plot depiction of daily fecal and blood verocytotoxin titers in pigs inoculated with Stx2e-producing E. coli. Fifty pigs were assayed for verocytotoxin in the RBC fraction of their blood (35 subclinical pigs; 15 clinical pigs on days 2 to 3 p.i., 15 on days 4 to 5 p.i., 8 on days 6 to 7 p.i., and 3 on days 8 to 9 p.i.). Blood samples were collected from each pig every other day from day 2 to 10 or day 3 to 11 p.i. Thirty pigs were assayed for fecal Stx2e on the same days (21 subclinical pigs; 9 clinical pigs on days 2 to 3 p.i., 8 on days 4 to 5 p.i., and 4 on days 6 to 7 p.i.). Horizontal lines inside boxes represent medians. The lower and upper borders of the boxes represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Error bars indicate lowest and highest values (range). Some lines overlap.