Ectopic expression of Shh-responsive genes in ShhP1 embryos. (A) Upregulation of cochlear and downregulation of vestibular markers in ShhP1 embryos. Antibody staining for Shh (a,e) and Pax2 (b,f) on transverse sections through the otic vesicles of wild-type (a,b) and ShhP1 (e,f) embryos at 9.5 dpc. Shh protein is ectopically expressed in the dorsal region of the otic vesicle of ShhP1 embryos (e). White arrowheads in f mark the ectopic expression of Pax2 protein on the lateral side of the otic vesicle. Dlx5 (c,g) and Hmx3 (d,h) expression is downregulated in ShhP1 embryos compared to wild-type littermates. (B) Markers of the periotic mesenchyme and cvg precursors are upregulated in ShhP1 embryos. Brn4 (a,f) and Tbx1 (b,g) expression in lateral views of whole-mount stained wild-type and ShhP1 embryos at 10.5 dpc. Dashed circles mark the position of the otic vesicle. Expression of Brn4 in the condensing mesenchyme of ShhP1 embryos is expanded (red arrowheads in f) compared to wild-type embryos (white arrowheads in a). The asterisks in a and f mark the branchial arch expression of Brn4. (g) Red arrowheads point to the ectopic expression of Tbx1 in ShhP1 embryos. NeuroD (c,d,h,i) and Ngn1 (e,j) expression on transverse sections through the otic vesicles of wild-type (c–e) and ShhP1 (h–j) embryos. Note the expansion of cvg precursors in anterior and posterior locations of the otic vesicle in ShhP1 embryos (red arrowheads in i,j). The ectopic ganglia depicted in i correlate with the ectopic Ngn1 expression (red arrowheads in j). All sections are from embryos at 10.5 dpc except e and j, which are from embryos at 9.5 dpc.