Figure 2.
Effects of incubation components on the rate of AZT glucuronidation by pooled human liver microsomes. Incubations were performed in phosphate buffer (0.1 m, pH 7.4) in the presence of AZT (1 mm), UDPGA (10 mm) and, unless indicated, MgCl2 (4 mm). Abbreviations: Native = native microsomes; SAL, d-saccharic acid 1,4-lactone (8.5 mm); Brij58, microsomes activated with Brij58 (0.15 w/w); Alamethacin, microsomes activated with alamethacin (50 mg l−1); UDP-NAcG, microsomes activated with UDP-NAcG (1 mm); UDP-NAcG*, microsomes activated with UDP-NAcG (1 mm) and UDPGA concentration reduced to 0.25 mm.