Figure 5.
BAF53b is expressed in postmitotic neurons but not glia. (A,B) BAF53b is expressed in the nucleus of neurons but not glia cells. A mixed population of neurons and glia cells derived from P0 rat hippocampus were cultured for 10 d, and BAF53b detected by immunofluorescence. (A) Costaining of neurons with the neuronal-specific marker TUJ1 (red) and BAF53b (green) antibodies as indicated. (B) Costaining with the astrocyte-specific marker GFAP (red) and BAF53b (green) antibodies as indicated. Note the empty nuclei denoting no detectable BAF53b staining. (C–G) BAF53b is expressed in postmitotic neurons. Double immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded embryo sections using antibodies against BAF53b (black-labeled cells) and the proliferation markers Ki-67 (C, E–G) or BrdU (D, red-labeled cells). (C) Sagittal section of E12.5 embryo head. BAF53b is expressed in the postmitotic cells of the nervous system. (D) Transverse section of cervical spinal cord from E12.5 embryo pulse-labeled in utero with BrdU. (E) Sagittal section of spinal cord from E12.5 embryo. (F) Sagittal section of olfactory bulb from E15.5 embryo. (G) Sagittal section of retina from P0 mouse. Tel, telencephalon; Die, diencephalon; Met, metencephalon; Mye, myelencephalon; PF, pontine flexure; Sp C, spinal cord; VZ, ventricular zone; ManL, mantle layer; Olf B, olfactory bulb; SVZ, subventricular zone; GCL, granule cell layer; MCL, mitral cell layer; Ret, retina; ONL, outer neuroblastic layer; GCL, ganglia cell layer.