Figure 6.
Absence of Lim1 and c-Ret expression in the intermediate mesoderm of Pax2−/−Pax8−/− embryos. (A–D) c-Ret and Lim1 expression at the 12-somite stage. c-Ret transcripts were detected by whole-mount in situ hybridization in the pronephros of wild-type control embryos (A) in contrast to Pax2−/−Pax8−/− embryos (B) that, however, still expressed c-ret in the tail region (indicated by asterisk). Antibody staining of transverse sections was used to reveal the expression of Lim1 and Pax2 or β-galactosidase (β-Gal) in control Pax8+/− (C) and Pax2−/−Pax8−/− (D) embryos, respectively. (E–K) Lim1 and WT1 expression at the 20-somite stage. Adjacent transverse sections of control Pax2+/−and Pax2−/−Pax8−/− embryos were analyzed by immunostaining for Lim1 (E,F), β-Gal (G–K) and WT1 (I,K) protein expression. cm, condensing mesenchyme; gr, genital ridge; lpm, lateral plate mesoderm; nd, nephric duct; pn, pronephros.