daf-3(mgDf90) fails to suppress the pheromone-mediated alteration of chemoreceptor expression in the ASI neurons. Shown are the percentages of wild-type or daf-3(mgDf90) animals expressing sra-6 (A), str-3 (B), or str-2 (C) in both ASI neurons on exposure to 0 μL (solid bars), 10 μL (shaded bars), or 20 μL (hatched bars) of pheromone. str-2 is expressed weakly in the ASI neurons and is further reduced on pheromone addition. Pheromone did not induce dauer formation at these concentrations. Larval-stage animals were examined 24 h after hatching from eggs laid on plates containing the indicated concentrations of pheromone. Expression in adult animals examined 48 h after hatching on pheromone were also similar in wild-type and daf-3 mutants (data not shown). Data shown are the mean of at least three independent experiments, and error bars represent S.E.M.; n > 50 for each column.