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. 2007 Feb 23;17(2):125–132. doi: 10.1055/s-2007-970556

Table 1.

Clinical Summary of 21 Patients Who Underwent Transsphenoidal Endoscopic Repair of Sphenoid Sinus CSF Leak

Patient Number Age/Sex U/B Cause of Fistula β2-Transferrin CTC HRCT MRC Fistula Size POLD Second Surgery
U/B, unilateral/bilateral; CTC, computed tomography cisternography; HRCT, high-resolution computed tomography; MRC, magnetic resonance cisternography; POLD, postoperative lumbar drainage; F/M, female/male; NA, not applicable; SSE, sphenoid sinus encephalocele; SSM, sphenoid sinus meningeocele; + ve, positive; − ve, negative.
1 50/F U post surgical + ve + ve + ve NA 1.7 3 no
2 44/F U SSE − ve + ve NA + ve 0.5 4 no
3 42/F U idiopathic + ve + ve + ve NA 1.3 5 no
4 38/F B idiopathic + ve − ve NA + ve 1 7 yes/VP shunt
5 33/F U idiopathic + ve + ve + ve NA 0.5 4 no
6 35/F U SSM NA + ve + ve NA 1.1 4 no
7 56/F U idiopathic + ve + ve NA NA 1.5 6 yes/VP shunt
8 60/F U post surgical + ve + ve + ve NA 1.6 3 no
9 35/F B idiopathic − ve + ve NA + ve 0.8 4 no
10 66/F U idiopathic + ve − ve + ve NA 0.8 4 no
11 55/F U SSM + ve + ve NA NA 0.9 4 no
12 49/F U idiopathic + ve + ve NA NA 2 4 no
13 37/F U post meningitis + ve + ve + ve NA 1.7 3 no
14 34/F U idiopathic NA + ve + ve NA 1.5 4 no
15 41/F B idiopathic + ve + ve NA NA 2 5 no
16 47/M U post surgical + ve + ve NA NA 1.6 4 no
17 68/M U SSM NA + ve + ve NA 1.5 4 no
18 52/M U idiopathic + ve + ve NA + ve 2 4 no
19 46/M B idiopathic + ve + ve NA NA 1.6 4 no
20 41/M U post meningitis + ve + ve + ve NA 1 4 no
21 50/M U idiopathic − ve + ve + ve + ve 1.2 3 no