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. 2007 May 2;2:9. doi: 10.1186/1749-8104-2-9

Table 1.

Direct regulators of the cytoskeleton with (potential) functions at growth cones

Gene name Common synonyms Direct regulators References
Actin filament nucleation and elongation (1 + 2)
Suppressor of profilin 2 (Sop2) ArpC1 WASp (+), SCAR/WAVE complex (+; containing: SCAR/WAVE, Hem/kette, Sra-1/CYFIP, Abi, SIP1/HSPC300) [95,149]
Actin-related protein 66B (Arp66B) Arp3
Arp14D, Arc-p34, Arpc3A/3B, Arc-p20, p16-Arc Arp2, ArpC2-C5 [93,94]
dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis (DAAM) NA ? *
enabled (ena) ENA/VASP Abelson (-), Dlar (+) [100,101,164]
Actin monomer binding (3)
capulet (capt) acu, CAP Abelson (+) [103]
ciboulot (cib) NA ? [102]
chickadee (chic) profilin, sand ena (+) [101,164]
twinfilin (twf) NA ? [104]
Barbed-end capping (4)
capping protein α (cpa) NA ? [109]
capping protein β (cpb) NA ? [333]
Pointed-end depolymerisation/severing (5)
twinstar (tsr) ADF/cofilin LIMK1 (-), ssh (+) [111]
flightless I (fliI) (gelsolin family) ? [115]
quail (qua) villin-related (gelsolin family) ? [116]
Actin filament bundling (6)
singed (sn) fascin ? [126]
α Actinin (Actn) flightless A ? [128]
Fimbrin (Fim) NA ? [334]
cheerio (cher) filamin ? [129]
Retrograde flow of filamentous actin (7)
zipper (zip) myosin heavy chain ? [121]
spaghetti squash (sqh) myosin II light chain Strn-Mlck (+), Mbs/myosin phosphatase (-) [119,120]
Microtubule plus end binding (+TIPs) (8)
CLIP-190 NA ? [152]
chromosome bows (chb) CLASP, Orbit/MAST Abelson (+) [153]
eb1, CG18190, CG32371 NA ? [155]
APC-like (Apc) Apc1 ? [154]
Apc2 NA ? [154]
Microtubule stabilising (9)
futsch MAP1B, mAB22C10 Fmr1/fragileX/fmrp (-) [163,335]
tau NA ? [161]
Microtubule-actin linkage (10)
short stop (shot) kakapo, groovin ? [168]
pod-1 NA ? [169]

The table lists official gene names according to FlyBase [14] (first column), examples of commonly used synonyms (second column; NA, not applicable), molecules reported to regulate the respective gene/protein directly (third column; '+', activating; '-', down-regulating), and representative references (fourth column; for more information refer to FlyBase; preferentially those references are listed that link to the nervous system). Bold headings indicate a functional assignment of the factors listed below, and numbers refer directly to the circled numbers in Figure 3. *See section 'Regulators of actin dynamics in Drosophila growth cones' for more detail.