Fig. 1.
Enhanced GPRK2 accumulation in regions of high-level Hh signaling in the wing disc. (A and B) In situ hybridization of third instar wing imaginal discs with Gprk2 antisense (as) (A) and sense (s) (B) probes. The expression of Gprk2 is detected at higher levels in cells abutting the A/P compartment boundary (white arrow in A). (C) Expression of β-gal (red) and Caupolican (Caup, green) in a third instar wing disc heterozygous for the P-lacZ insertion PZ-Gprk2[06936]. The white arrow indicates the stripe of β-gal accumulation. (D) Expression of β-gal/Gprk2 (Gprk2, red) and Engrailed (En, green) in wild-type wing disc (wt), showing that β-gal expression occurs in anterior cells expressing En (nuclei in orange). Individual channels are shown in D′ (Gprk2) and D″ (En). (E) Expression of β-gal/Gprk2 (Gprk2, red) and Patched (Ptc, green). Individual channels are shown in E′ (Gprk2) and E″ (Ptc). (F) Expression of β-gal/Gprk2 (Gprk2, red) and Blistered (Bs, green). Individual channels are shown in F′ (Gprk2) and F″ (Bs). (G) Expression of β-gal/Gprk2 (Gprk2, red) and Engrailed (En, green) in sal-Gal4/+; PZ-Gprk2[06936]/UAS-hh wing discs. The extent of β-gal and En expression is included in the bottom white line and appears as orange nuclei. (H) Expression of β-gal/Gprk2 (Gprk2, red) and Patched (Ptc, green) in sal-Gal4/UAS-ptc; PZ-Gprk2[06936]/+ wing discs, showing that β-gal expression is eliminated in the wing blade upon ectopic Ptc expression. (I) Individual red channel of H, showing that the expression of β-gal/Gprk2 in the thorax (where sal-Gal4 in not expressed) is not affected (white arrow). wt, wild type.